
Surfing Mums Summer Of Fun

From Christmas parties and camping trips, to Mums nights out and backyard cinemas, Surfing Mums members nationwide have been living their best lives this summer.

Spotlight On Perth

In this edition of our SM newsletter we turn out attention to the Perth group. We chat to group coordinators, Elke & Anna, who give me the low down on what makes the Perth group so special.

Surf trip packing tips

With our AGM fast approaching we asked our mates over at surf getaway to tell us their top tips for packing for a surf trip.

Turn that frown upside down!

Your little sidekick may not be as stoked about the idea of going Surfing Mums as you are. Read on to hear one mums experience on how she turned her boys frown upside down. "To say my son was not enthusiastic about the situation is an understatement. The guilt I felt at leaving my tiny, precious baby with a bunch of people I didn’t really know was only surpassed by the guilt I felt at leaving an unsuspecting bunch of people with my tiny, screaming demon nugget.

5 Reasons to keep surfing over winter

Bust out that steamer, dig out those uggies and pop on your beanie, it is time for some winter surfing! Here are 5 reasons you should be frothing to get you and your little ones to the beach – and sprinkled in are a few tips on making it a bit more pleasurable even when those sea breezes are blowing.

Spotlight on Dunsborough

The town of Dunsborough is home to a lucky group of surfing mums. A veritable playground for surfers where a fun wave can be found in nearly any condition. We speak to Dunsborough coordinator, Shae Sheridan about life and surfing in this beautiful corner of south west W.A.

Board design 101

It’s safe to say that when it comes to time in the water us Surfing Mums and Dads are here for a good time rather than a long time. Knowing which type of boards will work well for your surfing ability and for the conditions on the day will help you get the most out of your time in the water.

Hone your duck dive

The arrival of autumn usually brings with it some bigger swells. We don’t want our rad members taking too many sets on the head so we have partnered up with our friends at Ombe surf to take a deep dive into the skill of duck diving
Ombe surf skills coaching

Nah nah to La Ninia

The wet weather has been putting a damper on some of our meets but it doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun hangs, we explore the best rainy day alternatives.
Meet ups activities