
5 Reasons to keep surfing over winter

Published Tue 14 Jun 2022

Bust out that steamer, dig out those uggies and pop on your beanie, it is time for some winter surfing! Here are 5 reasons you should be frothing to get you and your little ones to the beach – and sprinkled in are a few tips on making it a bit more pleasurable even when those sea breezes are blowing.

1 Sunlight

When we think of a dearth of sunlight we tend to think of the gloomy winters of northern Europe but the challenges of getting out of the house with young kids can mean that even us Aussies are going from one day to the next without getting a good dose of sunlight. The benefit of sunlight exposure is well established, from generating vitamin D, strengthening bones, lowering blood pressure, regulating circadian rhythms (which can help your little ones nap) to boosting mood. Getting out and enjoying the sunlight and salt water therapy should be top of your self care to do list.

2 Swell

It is no secret that autumn and winter are the seasons that deliver the most days of swell. It is a rare winter day that you can't find a surfable wave somewhere.  So enjoy the luxury of consistent swell and get amongst it.

3 Wind  

We all love warm summer days at the beach but you can almost set your watch by the arrival of the late morning summer onshore wind… winter is a different story altogether, it can blow off shore for days at a time. So get to the beach safe in the knowledge that if you draw second swap it isn’t going to turn to onshore slop before you paddle out.

4 Human contact

So this is not exclusive to winter but our social life does tend to shrink a bit in the cold weather. With the shorter, colder days it is all too easy to hunker down at home and before you know it you're Jack Nicholson in The Shining and chasing your family around the house with an axe (maybe that is just me). So before the neighbours call DOCS on you, bundle up the kiddies, put your board on the roof and get to Surfing Mums to fill your cup!

5 You will be ripping it up by the time summer rolls around – Yewwww!

Hit the ground running when the nice weather comes around. All those fair weather surfers will have no paddle fitness whereas you, you winter warrior, will be cutting through the water like a shark, catching all the waves and cackling at others as they flail around while you are zipping down the line!

Hopefully these are enough to have you champing at the bit to get to your next meet up!  
